
Crucial Test Case: Maryland Parents Versus ‘Pride Storybooks’

Andrea M. Picciotti-Bayer

August 10, 2023

Original Article

Oral argument was heard in federal court from a group from Montgomery County families who want public school officials to respect their right to opt their children out of the ‘inclusive’ anthology.

Parents in Montgomery County, Maryland, have had enough. Progressive ideologues captured the local public school system and thought they’d gotten away with it.

Now a group of parents from various religions have taken them to federal court, demanding that school officials respect their right to opt their children out of indoctrination in gender ideology. If ever there was a test case for people who want to protect their children from secularist dogma at odds with their religious beliefs, this is it.

In fall 2022, the Montgomery County Board of Education announced it would use “Pride Storybooks,” a collection of more than 20 new “inclusivity” books for pre-K through eighth-grade classrooms. As you might expect, every box is ticked. From Pride parades to gender transitioning and pronoun preferences, the collection is carefully curated to indoctrinate.

Let’s take a look at a few of the books, beginning with one that targets pre-K students.

Pride Puppy is the story of two women taking their children to a Pride parade, where their puppy gets lost. It asks 3- to 4-year-old readers to find images from a word list that includes “[drag] queen,” “underwear,” and “leather.”