
June 2015 – Cheating Marriage: A Tragedy in Three Acts

This brilliant article by John C. Eastman presents as a tragedy play what is, in fact, a great tragedy.  The tragedy is twofold: (1) the failure of U.S. Courts to respect the institution of marriage between a man and a woman–an institution vital to all societies throughout human history–and (2) the complete disregard for the…


June 2007 – The Pope’s Peace and Security Council Resolution 1325

INTRODUCTION (Saint) Pope John Paul II, the late head of the Holy See, which is the governing organ of Vatican City and the Roman Catholic Church, (1) commenced an important conversation with women on January 1, 1995. On that day, he delivered the annual World Day of Peace message, inviting women “to become teachers of…


June 2006 – Judging Marriage: An Experiment in Morals and Conduct

Judge Maura D. Corrigan sets forth a principled understanding of natural marriage and explains the negative consequences upon children when natural marriage is devalued.  She is careful to clarify that judges in the United States are restricted in their authority, that is, they are to interpret and apply the law, not make laws.  Nevertheless, she…