
May 10, 2019 – Jordan Peterson: When the left goes too far — the dangerous doctrine of equity

https://nationalpost.com/opinion/jordan-peterson-when-the-left-goes-too-far-the-dangerous-doctrine-of-equity In this occasional series, Jordan Peterson writes from his international speaking tour for his book, 12 Rules for Life. The mantra of Diversity, Inclusivity and Equity (DIE) perhaps constitutes the primary identifying factor of the tiny minority of radical collectivist ideologues that nonetheless have come to dominate the humanities and social sciences in Western…


August 29, 2018 – The Transgender Language War

https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-transgender-language-war-1535582272 The Transgender Language War California threatens to jail health workers who refuse to use ‘preferred’ pronouns. Abigail Shrier Aug. 29, 2018 6:37 p.m. ET Without permitting parents to opt out, public schools across the country are teaching children that “gender” is neither binary nor biological. It’s closer to a mental state: a question of…


April 23, 2018 – English, Welsh bishops raise concerns over rise of gender ideology

https://cruxnow.com/church-in-uk-and-ireland/2018/04/23/english-welsh-bishops-raise-concerns-over-rise-of-gender-ideology/ The bishops of England and Wales have raised concerns over the rise of gender ideology, saying it is creating confusion among people about the truth of human nature. In a statement issued at the end of their April 16-19 bi-annual plenary meeting in Leeds, the bishops acknowledged some people did not “accept their biological…