
Don’t Ignore The Child’s Perspective On Gay Couples Commissioning Babies

Katy Faust The Federalist Jan 30, 2023 Original article Every week or so, another glossy article is published about a gay couple (or single) who has created children with the help of the ever-growing fertility industry. The latest: “Gay Men Increasingly Turn to Surrogates to Have Babies.” The article gives an emotional, sympathetic picture of…


December 3, 2018 – Be celibate or leave the priesthood, Pope Francis tells gay priests

https://www.reuters.com/article/us-pope-homosexuals-book/be-celibate-or-leave-the-priesthood-pope-tells-gay-priests-idUSKBN1O10K7 Men with deep-rooted homosexual tendencies should not be admitted to the Catholic clergy, and it would be better for priests who are actively gay to leave rather than lead a double life, Pope Francis says in a new book. While he has previously spoken of the need for better screening of candidates for the…