
September 11, 2018 – Bishop Zubik Announces Year of Repentance

https://www.diopitt.org/news/bishop-zubik-announces-year-of-repentance Bishop David Zubik has announced a Year of Repentance in which all clergy of the Diocese of Pittsburgh are asked to fast and pray for the purification of the Church in light of the scandal of child sexual abuse, and all Catholics are invited to join in. A diocesan-wide service to liturgically inaugurate the…


September 10, 2018 – Fr. Anthony Amato brands crisis a disease ‘straight from Hell’

https://soundcloud.com/anthony-amato-24873301/the-crisis-in-the-church?utm_source=soundcloud&utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=facebook and see https://www.churchmilitant.com/news/article/ny-priest-links-clerical-sex-abuse-to-homosexuality From his pulpit in the diocese of Rochester, a New York priest is railing against clerical sex abuse and cover-up, while rallying Catholics to cling tighter to the Barque of Peter.  In his Aug. 26 homily “The Crisis in the Church,” Fr. Anthony Amato affirmed the Catholic priesthood is rotten with homosexuality and warned…