
August 8, 2018 – Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory’s statement in response to the resignation of Theodore McCarrick

https://georgiabulletin.org/news/2018/08/archbishop-wilton-d-gregorys-statement-in-response-to-the-resignation-of-theodore-mccarrick/ “As shepherd of the Catholic Church in Atlanta and united with my brother bishops under Pope Francis in service to Jesus Christ and His Church, I express my profound anger, sadness, and distress concerning sexual abuse by Church leaders of children, young people and those over whom they exercised authority. My anger and disappointment,…


August 7, 2018 – How bishops can begin to regain laity’s trust in wake of McCarrick sex-abuse scandal

https://www.lifesitenews.com/opinion/how-bishops-can-begin-to-regain-laitys-trust-in-wake-of-mccarrick-sex-abuse Unless sexual morality and Humanae Vitae are taught, trust in bishops and in priests cannot be restored.  Any member of the hierarchy or priesthood who won’t engage in such teaching is not trustworthy, because he shows he doesn’t love the Church’s perennial teaching that undergirds such trust. 


August 7, 2018 – We must ‘eradicate’ Church’s gay networks to fight sex abuse: moral theologian

https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/we-must-eradicate-churchs-gay-networks-to-fight-sex-abuse-moral-theologian The allegations of sexual misconduct made public in June against Archbishop Theodore McCarrick finally brought the decades-old open secret of the disgraced former cardinal’s sexually abusive behavior out in the open – also raising the question of the extent of the abuse, and how it was enabled and covered up by other U.S. prelates.


August 6, 2018 – A pledge to change the culture, rebuild trust

http://catholicmissourianonline.com/stories/making-connections-a-pledge-to-change-the-culture-rebuild-trust,1034 Our tradition as Roman Catholics is to mention by name the Pope and the diocesan bishop in the most supreme prayer we offer, the Eucharistic Prayer. When you hear the priest say at Mass, “Francis, our Pope, and Shawn our Bishop,” know that the both of us truly rely on and appreciate your prayerful…