
January 10, 2020: Compulsory Vaccination: The Grand Chamber of the ECHR Will Decide

https://us10.campaign-archive.com/?u=567507fce24ff5f4d84cc3e33&id=9cdffac07f&e=e98128dd65 The ECLJ has neither competence nor pretension to rule on the value or the inappropriateness of vaccines in general and does not encourage the refusal of vaccines. However, it seems that the goal sought by compulsory vaccination can be achieved through less restrictive measures which are more respectful of the fundamental rights and freedoms…


June 21, 2019 – Custody of Wunderlich Challenged By Authorities

Paul Coleman globalmedia@adfinternational.org via gmail.mcsv.net      Newsletter – June 2019 The same court which ordered the removal of the Wunderlich children in 2013, has again challenged the custody of the children by demanding proof of their school attendance. The Wunderlich family were summoned to a court in Darmstadt, Germany, last week. The two younger children, who are still minors,…


January 14, 2019 – The German Government Forcibly Removed These Children From Their Parents Over Homeschooling

https://www.dailysignal.com/2019/01/14/the-german-government-forcibly-removed-these-children-from-their-parents-over-homeschooling/?utm_source=ADF+International+Newsletter+Signup&utm_campaign=98e8f5d27d-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2018_09_25_07_09_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_7732cae558-98e8f5d27d-92558921&mc_cid=98e8f5d27d&mc_eid=749ce7a1dd German police officers forcibly removed the Wunderlich children from their parents for homeschooling, which is illegal in Germany. (Photo: Boris Roessler/picture alliance via Getty Images) In its decision last week, the European Court of Human Rights has undermined its claim to being the “conscience of Europe” and pitted parents against children. The court was…


July 27, 2018 – Ambassador Callista Gingrich: To strengthen women’s rights you must protect religious freedom

http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2018/07/27/ambassador-callista-gingrich-to-strengthen-womens-rights-must-protect-religious-freedom.html As Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Thursday: “When religious freedom flourishes, a country flourishes.” This week’s Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom illustrates America’s enduring commitment to religious liberty as a human right and as an integral element in advancing the empowerment of women and girls worldwide through U.S. foreign policy. This comprehensive, international…