
February 23, 2015 – Gestational Surrogacy: a frontal assault on fundamental shared EU values

http://www.comece.eu/site/en/ourwork/pressreleases/2015/article/8633.html Gestational surrogacy is an issue of increasing preoccupation and concern in contemporary political and legal debate across the European Union. Against that background, the COMECE Working Group on Ethics in Research and Medicine has published an “Opinion on Gestational Surrogacy: the question of European and International Rules” , which is presented today, 23 February,…


April 26, 2012 – The European Center for Law and Justice: Surrogate Motherhood: a Violation of Human Rights.

https://www.ieb-eib.org/en/pdf/surrogacy-motherhood-icjl.pdf Summary: This report address the exploitation of women and children which is inherent in all cases of surrogacy, whether commercial or altruistic. It further examines surrogacy as, in certain cases, a form of human trafficking. It also reviews currently case law of the European Court of Human Rights and the legislation of various countries…