
July 3, 2018 – Canada’s Supreme Court Relegates Religious Beliefs to Second-Tier Status. America, Be Warned.

Canada’s Supreme Court recently ruled 7-2 against Trinity Western University, prioritizing sexual orientation over the free exercise of religion. This ruling should serve as a warning flag to U.S. citizens.

(See https://www.scc-csc.ca/case-dossier/info/dock-regi-eng.aspx?cas=37209)

(but further in the article, see also)

As Brett Harvey, senior counsel with the Alliance Defending Freedom, notes, the U.S. Constitution and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms are inherently different. Whereas the U.S. Constitution places religious freedom in a pre-eminent position among rights, Canada’s Charter does not secure rights at all. Instead, as Harvey points out, it merely acts as a set of “guidelines” that judges interpret, based on their preferences.